European Coasts - An Introductory Survey
Chapter 5: Large Projects

5.2 The Dune Erosion Research Project (The Netherlands) (1)

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Fig 111: Wave attack on dunes during a storm surge, Texel, the Netherlands Fig 112: Eroded dunes after a storm surge, Texel, the Netherlands Fig 113: Model measurements with measuring instruments on the bridge

As discussed in Chapter 2, dunes are attacked during storm surges (see Fig. 111 and Fig. 112). As a result, sand is moved from the dunes towards lower parts of the coastal profile (see Fig. 49). Normally the eroded dunes are restored during the calmer seasons. The process can be considered as an adjustment of the coastal profile to the changing hydraulic conditions.

The row of dunes is thin along some parts of the Dutch coast and the erosion during a storm surge may lead to a breach in the dune defence system. Since very large parts of the country are below mean sea level, such a situation is unacceptable. Therefore, reinforcement by dune nourishment is necessary (see Chapter 4). This requires an accurate prediction of the erosion profile of dunes during storm surges. In order to improve knowledge on this subject and to provide accurate calculation methods for dune erosion, the Dutch Technical Advisory Committee on Water Defences initiated a research program, started in 1985 (see Steetzel, 1993). The existing calculation method for the erosion profile provided accurate results for erosion of "standard" dunes. Yet, in the case of "non-standard" coasts, such as where there was a tidal gully near the beach or a curved coast, the results of the existing calculation method were not always reliable. Whereas the previous method concentrated on the analysis of erosion profiles which had been measured after storms, the new approach was directed towards an understanding of the physics of the erosion process itself. Firstly, the erosion process was studied by model measurements in two wave flumes. Secondly, a cross-shore transport model was developed which predicted the resulting erosion profile by calculating the cross-shore sediment transport during the storm surge.

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This page is from the book "European Coasts", produced in the framework of the Erasmus project under EC contract ICP 92-G-2013 and placed on the Internet in the framework of the PIANC-MarCom initiative on Education.